Welcome to Ohio's Prison System

Welcome to Ohio's Prison System

...Or at least my experience of it in words and pictures. See my blog entries along with photos.

I'll be adding photos for your viewing pleasure.

I'm out here for part2 pictures and their great series Hard Time for National Geographic. This is for season 2 that will air in February and March 2011.

Basketball Waiting

Basketball Waiting
A look inside an outdoor rec cage

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Day

We had a lot of snow today in Ohio. By tonight probably 5 inches and it's still snowing. We couldn't get into the prison today because it was a holiday. Instead we braved the weather and shot exteriors.

It was cold, windy, and oh yeah, snowing. We shot tripod and also a bunch of traveling shots from the car. First we set up the tripod in the mini-van (all seats disappear) and locked open the side door. Shot some slomo and high shutter speed. Really interesting look. (We're shooting on the Panasonic 900.)

1 comment:

  1. Love this rig. Who needs a shotmaker? Just give me a mini-van and Larry Engel! Filmmaking's MacGyver...
